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29 items found for ""

  • Reflexology FREE Head & neck massage

    Helps to balance the body by working on trigger points and the organs to promote relaxation and stress relief. Many clients have said that it is the most relaxing treatment. It can reduce pain and regulate the body. This is Paired with a relaxing head and neck massage for total relaxation.

  • Aromatherapy body massage (ladies only)

    A massage on the back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, tummy (if wanted) to promote health and well being

  • Gha sha massage Facial offer

    This consist of a cleanse and then a gha sha massage using crystal tools and a roller.. There is also a shoulder and a quick head massage. Than a moisturiser is applied. This is a nice cooling therapy in the summer months.

  • Back of legs & bum cellulite reduction

    A massage technique which uses massage and wooden tools to breakdown areas of fat and cellulite. Helps to tone muscles and stimulate the lymphatic drainage system and eliminate toxins. It is recommended to receive regular treatments and follow a healthy eating plan and regular exercise to achieve maximum benefits.

  • Swedish back, neck & shoulder Massage

    A relaxing massage, using your desired pressure requirements to work on soft tissue muscles to help restore balance of well being whilst easing muscular strain.

  • Facial, Back & Head Massage - Package 1

    A massage to work on those muscles, you can choose light, medium or firm pressure. There is also an relaxing head massage and a facial of your choice (excluding the rejuvenating facial)

  • Ear candling

    The candles are used to soften and draw out excess wax from the ears. Its a nice relaxing treatment which is especially good if going on a flight or you have partial hearing loss.

  • Gha sha massage Facial

    This consist of a cleanse and then a gha sha massage using crystal tools and a roller.. There is also a shoulder and a quick head massage. Than a moisturiser is applied. This is a nice cooling therapy in the summer months.

  • Bingo wing fat reduction

    A massage technique which uses massage and wooden tools to breakdown areas of fat and contour. Helps to tone muscles and stimulate the lymphatic drainage system and eliminate toxins. It is recommended to receive regular treatments and follow a healthy eating plan and regular exercise to achieve maximum benefits.

  • Vegan Cleansing & relaxing Facial

    This consist of a cleanser and hot cloth clean, toner, exfoliation, masque and moisturiser. There is also a shoulder and a quick head massage included which helps you to relax

  • Lymphatic drainage & body contouring

    A massage technique which uses massage and wooden tools to breakdown areas of water retention and help to contour the body. Helps to tone muscles and stimulate the lymphatic drainage system and eliminate toxins. Can be helpful after surgery or lymphedema where there is a build up of water and other fluids. Prices can vary depending on what areas you need to be worked on.

  • Hot stone body massage

    A warming body massage with hot stones to relieve tension and ease all of those aching muscles or just for a treat. Works well to ease arthritis and comfort on those cold or gloomy days.

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